Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions
RED-E-BINS will provide a container onsite for the expressed purpose of containing waste and for transport to a disposal location. Customer will be responsible for damage to container beyond reasonable wear and tear and agrees not to overload container or Driver will be required to refuse the load. Customer agrees to place only material in the container that is suitable for disposal.

The following items are prohibited: All liquids, batteries, paint, oils, hazardous waste, biohazardous waste, radioactive waste, pesticide, insecticide, herbicide, fungicide, rodenticide, carcasses, or any materials not allowed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for Municipal Solid Waste. Violations will result in additional fees and denial of pick up. The Customer will be responsible for unloading the prohibited materials.
The following items should only be disposed of with permission: Mattresses, tires, electronics, appliances. These might be subject to additional fees or instructions. Failure to obtain permission might result in Driver refusing the load, and the Customer might be responsible for unloading.
The following items should only be disposed of with permission due to weight limitations: concrete, dirt, bricks, mud, gravel, asphalt, rocks, and other dense natural materials. RED-E-BINS has a weight limit of 3 tons in most circumstances, and Customer loading a container heavier than this limit might be
subject to additional fees. Shingles are permitted in 5-yd and 10-yd containers.

Containers ordered specifically for recyclable material cannot be mixed with waste for disposal; otherwise, the recycling plant will refuse the load and additional operational and disposal charges will apply.

RED-E-BINS will not be responsible for any surface or subsurface damage created by the container or by the truck used to haul or handle the container. If Customer is concerned about surface marks on driveway, RED-E-BINS can usually supply boards or plywood to place under container upon delivery. Customer should mark and advise Driver of possible crush hazards such as septic tanks, drain lines or pipes.

RED-E-BINS is not responsible for any injury sustained while loading or using container. RED-E-BINS will only be responsible for injury while servicing or hauling the container.

Additional charges:
Delivery fee: Services outside of RED-E-BINS normal area of operations might be subject to shipping fees.
Extra Day fee: If the container is not ready for pick up on the designated day, extra days are charged at $15
per day. Customer is responsible to notify RED-E-BINS in advanced to avoid the $100 Dry Run fee. Extra days can also be denied based on availability.
Dry Run fee: If delivery, pickup or exchange service cannot be completed due to inaccessibility or overloading of the container, there will be a $100 trip charge.
Prohibited Materials fee: Customer will be responsible for the full sum of landfill surcharges plus
operating costs and damages associated with proper disposal of prohibited materials.
Overweight fee: RED-E-BINS weight limit of 3 tons should not be exceeded without permission. Violations might result in denying the load and a dry run fee OR additional charges equal to the operating costs and damages associated with the excess weight.

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